Teaching Methodologies. Foreign Languages. Pedagogical Practice. Educational Approaches. Language Learning.Abstract
This study explores active methodologies in teaching foreign languages, enriching teaching practice by involving students in meaningful activities. Reviewing English teaching methods (BROWN, 2007; LEFFA, 2016; LIMA, 2017), its potential and challenges stand out, such as the lack of resources and resistance to change. Active methodologies promote active student participation and greater absorption of knowledge. Language teaching methodologies have evolved to meet the needs of teachers and students. Authors such as Richards and Rodgers (1991) and Pérez (2007) influenced this evolution. This article explores language teaching methodology and underlying pedagogical principles. We highlight approaches where the selection of principles appropriate to the context is crucial. This encourages critical and collaborative teaching, bringing teachers and students closer together. Thus, the adoption of active methodologies, adaptive evolution and the focus on applied methodologies highlight the importance of flexible and contextual approaches in language teaching. This can catalyze more effective, participatory and collaborative teaching, connecting theory and practice in the classroom.
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