Semiotic analysis. The Son. Ruben Fonseca. Conflicts. Manipulations.Abstract
The objective of the article is to analyze the short story "O Filho", by Rubem Fonseca, examining, through a semiotic approach, how the characters and conflicts are constructed and manipulated in the narrative and the relationship between the subjects and the object (the baby) . The analysis is developed at three levels: fundamental, narrative and discursive. At the fundamental level, the semantic oppositions that structure the text are explored, while at the narrative level, the roles of the characters and their relationships with objects of value are identified. At the discursive level, the presence of an ideological defense on the part of the author stands out, although not made explicit, leaving the reader to interpret this position. The second part of the article discusses the conception of text and textuality, considering it as a "whole of meaning" that is established in the interaction between author/reader. Intertextuality and the relationship between author/text/reader are fundamental aspects covered. "The Son" is a narrative that tells the story of a young girl, a minor, pregnant by an unknown father, who is initially manipulated by her mother into having an abortion. During the course of the narrative, the mother changes her mind and plans to sell her daughter's baby to buy dentures. There is a demonstration of brutality, perversion and monstrosity. Rubem Fonseca severely criticized the baby trade and addressed the conflicts, manipulations and inversion of values in relation to life and greed for money.
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