Games and Play. Playful Activities. Early Childhood Education.Abstract
This study aims to demonstrate the importance of play in early childhood education for child development. In addition, the study aimed to identify the positions of several authors on games based on a literature review. This study on playful activities in teaching and their contribution to the construction of children's knowledge aims to demonstrate the importance of playful activities in the construction of knowledge and in the intellectual development of young children. Playfulness presents a way of teaching and, in this sense, this study aims to analyze alternatives and possibilities of economy of playfulness in academic spaces through a theoretical foundation that will contribute to the understanding of playfulness as a facilitator of teaching. Play provides values specific to each phase of human life. So, in childhood, the purpose is specifically pedagogical. Because the act of playing stimulates the use of memory, which expands and organizes the material to be remembered at the time of the action, in addition to providing improvements in social, affective and intellectual coexistence. It is important to reflect on the concept of playing from a constructivist perspective, before understanding the difficulties that students have in early childhood education, understanding the family context and the factors that can determine who this child is. Because from this research it is possible to discover their difficulties and work with parents, teachers and students to find new ways and ways to promote the learning of this child.
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