History, Apprenticeship, ICT, TeachingAbstract
Teaching history, especially among teenagers, can be a challenging activity, considering the need to make these students understand that no matter how distant a fact may be in the past, it somehow contributed to the construction of the present and affects on the life of societies in a broad sense. The history teacher faces a double challenge, in addition to the need to understand the specificities of teenagers and find ways to make classes attractive, he needs to make them understand that the past, present and future are connected. This study was developed with the aim of evaluating ICT as a tool for teaching history and its role in facilitating the contextualization of these facts in the daily lives of teenagers. A narrative review of national and international literature was carried out. When we think about the role of digital media in teaching and learning World History, it is appropriate to start with some historical context. The challenges inherent in teaching a broad historical survey course have been well recognized and debated for at least more than a century. The arrival of digital media in the teaching and learning of World History is not a negative thing. On the contrary, carefully constructed digital media can give our students access to immediate multimedia experiences that conventional teaching cannot provide, encounters with still and moving images, music, data and text more or less simultaneously.
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