


hypothetical model, problem-based learning, models


The training of teachers is crucial for the development of a nation. The traditional teaching method has proven insufficient to meet the demands of the labor market, while active methodologies promote autonomy and critical thinking. For this work, the aim was to present a method obtained through a literature review and inferences drawn from the analyzed sources. This method addresses the question of whether or not there is a scientific method and, consequently, a common teaching method for individuals. Initially, principles or parameters governing the interactions between the subject, the systems, and the stimuli were drawn from diverse literature. Subsequently, a reflection was made on problems as generators of intentions and research, as well as the adoption of models as a way to make the objects of study more accessible. Finally, a hypothetical model was presented. Although the formulation of a hypothetical model is important, there is a need to confront it with reality, therefore, future research is suggested.


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Author Biographies

  • Junior Batista Duarte

    Mestrando, IFRO - Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Rondônia, Vilhena, Rondônia, Brasil.

  • Edilberto Fernandes Syryczyk

    He graduated with a degree in Mathematics Teaching (UNICENTRO/PR). He holds a Lato Sensu degree: Methodology and Didactics of Mathematics Teaching (FAP/RO). He earned a Master's degree in Public Policies for the Management of Professional and Technological Education, focusing on Technology, Social Inclusion, and Sustainable Regional Development (UNB/DF). He holds a PhD in Education in Science and Mathematics, specializing in Mathematics Education, Nambikwara and Mamaindê Indigenous Mathematical Knowledge, Ethnoscience, Indigenous Ethnomathematics, Indigenous Traditional Knowledge, and Indigenous Culture. He is a professor at IFRO Campus Vilhena, currently teaching undergraduate courses in Mathematics Teaching and Technology in Systems Analysis and Development, as well as postgraduate courses in Science and Mathematics Teaching. He is the Postgraduate Coordinator at IFRO Campus Vilhena. He has been a professor in the Professional Master's Program in Professional and Technological Education - Profept at IFRO since its implementation in 2018. He also implemented and has served since 2018 as the Pedagogical and Financial Institutional Coordinator of the Pedagogical Residency Program at IFRO.


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How to Cite

PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING AND THE USE OF MODELS: A PROPOSAL. (2024). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(10), e5105831.