Gamification, Active Methodologies, Motivation, Higher Education, Generation Z, Educational TechnologyAbstract
This article addresses the impact of games and active methodologies on student motivation and engagement in health courses in higher education. Based on a review literature, it analyzes how these modern methodologies can transform educational dynamics and foster more participatory and student-centered learning. Gamification—using game elements to encourage actions and facilitate learning—has proven to significantly increase student interest and improve knowledge retention, especially in subjects requiring practical skills. Active strategies highlight the importance of the student in the educational environment by promoting independence in learning and collaboration among peers. The text mentions advantages such as increased student interest in individualized learning and the enhancement of essential skills; however, it also highlights challenges related to teacher training and institutional barriers to adopting the necessary technological changes. The conclusion is that the effective use of these strategies requires meticulous planning, adequate institutional support, and adaptation to the specific needs of new generations such as Millennials and Generation Z. The research also emphasizes emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality, which can further enhance the positive impact of these methodologies in the field of health education.
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