Operational management, Supply chain, Fruit and vegetables, LogisticsAbstract
One of the major challenges in the retail segment is to use assertive operational management techniques to achieve better loss control and thus improve profit margins in their operations. In wholesale and retail supermarkets, perishable products stand out as the most complex to achieve success in this task. Thus, the objective of this study is to apply supply chain management, administration, logistics and marketing techniques to compose the operational management of a fruit and vegetable sector of a wholesale-retail supermarket located in Governador Valadares - MG. To achieve this objective, an exploratory and applied case study was conducted. Initially, a diagnosis of the sector was carried out, understanding all the processes from receipt to final sale of products, analyzing operations over a six-month period and subsequently applying the main concepts present in the work. At the end, the results obtained were evaluated and compared to previous results, obtaining positive results, evidencing a real reduction in losses, confirmed by the T-test for a sample that statistically certifies the reduction in losses obtained after the application of the study.
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