


research investigates how language constitutes itself


This research investigates how language constitutes itself as a factor of social identification, as well as the relationship between the linguistic variant and the constitution of the identity of the northeastern subject in Ariano Suassuna's Auto da Compadecida, having, for the scope of this research, as a general objective: to provide a reflection on the linguistic variants that constitute our mother tongue. And as specific objectives: to point out some reflections on the conceptions of identity; to highlight language as a phenomenon that contributes to the constitution of the social identity of a given community. In addition, to identify the linguistic variants of the northeast present in Auto da Compadecida. The methodology used to achieve the objectives was a qualitative, interpretive bibliographic approach that seeks to make a study about the conceptions of linguistic variations, intertwining knowledge related to identity representation, having as theoretical contributions: Silva (2014), Hall (2005), Bagno (2015), Castilho (2010), Pagotto (2004), Petri (2004), Moita Lopes (2002), Signorini (1998), Beline (2010), Trask (2004), Ilari and Basso (2006). In view of what has been exposed about language and identity, we conclude the discussions of this work with the statement that language is an act of identity, since certain linguistic choices made are determinant for the identification of the social group to which the subjects belong.



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Author Biography

  • Marcia de Brito Pinto

    Universidade Estadual do Maranhão - UEMA


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MOITA LOPES, Luiz Paulo da. Identidades fragmentadas: a construção discursiva de raça, gênero e sexualidade em sala de aula. São Paulo: Mercado de Letras, 2002.

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identidade | Definição ou significado de identidade no Dicionário Infopédia da Língua Portuguesa (, acessado dia 21/05/2020, as 10h.



How to Cite

LANGUAGE, IDENTITY AND LINGUISTIC VARIATION IN SELF OF COMPASSION, ARIANO SUASSUNA  . (2021). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 2(10), e210686.