



Full use of food. Food waste. Food Technology.


Worldwide, Brazil is one of the most food producers, however the lost of this production is high. Food waste has been a recurring concern both for environment issues as nutrition issues. The development of alternative flours that are rich in minerals and fibers added a functional characteristic to those products, and they have been used in the elaboration of bakery products, food pastas and cereal bars. Therefore, the present study had the purpose of conducing a research doing the survey of works already published where discuss about the integral exploitation and sustainability, besides manufacturing of flours with this purpose. It was done a bibliographical research of the published texts and databases, in English and Portuguese, from February to June of 2020, using as indexers terms: integral exploitation of the foods, flours and characterization. The using of vegetal parts commonly destined to disposal to the development of new products shows itself as an effective alternative to upgrade the ingestion of fibers and others nutrients on diet; and reducing the food waste. Sustainability has been seen as an action to the reduction of the hunger in the world, mainly with the using of the non-edible parts. The production of modified flours with these vegetal parts contributes positively in the quality of the products and it can be used to the total and/or partial replacement of the flour wheat according to the kind of dough, physical chemic characteristics and sensory characteristics of flour.


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Author Biographies

  • Mayra da Silva Cavalcanti

    Centro Universitário Facisa (Unifacisa) 

  • Igor Macêdo de Oliveira

    Centro Universitário Facisa (Unifacisa) 


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How to Cite

FULL USE OF FOOD: SUSTAINABILITY AND USE OF MODIFIED FLOUR. (2021). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 2(10), e210763. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v2i10.763