Strategic Sourcing, Purchases of electrical services, Human resource management, Hiring strategyAbstract
This study is based on the supply sector of a juice producer. This sector has gone through several changes over the years, including the expansion of a purchasing sector to carry out the development of a strategic function, managing resources and seeking to increase competitiveness, which in turn turned purchasing into resources of added values. In this scenario, suppliers of goods and services have a positive or negative impact on the company's value chain. This study aims to demonstrate that by contracting services, using a Strategic Sourcing, how the company performs the purchase of electrical services for 3 units in different cities in the State of São Paulo. The results show that with Strategic Sourcing it is possible to reduce costs, measuring gains in reducing the purchase price, having quality and excellent services, reducing the supplier base and simultaneously improving the level of quality and service delivered, assisting in the execution of the process productive and optimizes hiring. We concluded that the methodology is efficient in managing service purchases, promotes internal integration and information sharing, and mainly streamlines the role of responsible for the supply chain.
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