


Human rigths. People with disabilities. Responsability of the states


The inclusion of new instruments to Private International Law and Human Rights has greatly expanded the boundaries of application of the norms; but these are not always recipients of all the possibilities that can be presented in reality. Although the new treaties and conventions insist on including new groups in the spheres of human rights protection, leaving no room for legal loopholes or logical gaps, sometimes the instruments do not bring all the necessary solutions to face and deal with the possible problems that may arise. These conventions, specifically the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, lack accountability mechanisms in case of non-compliance with the international obligations to which the State Parties are subject to, so it is necessary to carry out analogous applications of other Institutes of International Law. This absence is a major generator of interpretative problems, failing in the mission of providing legal security to people whose rights are violated.


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Author Biography

Emiliano Ezequiel Morán Santos

quisMy name is Emiliano Ezequiel Morán Santos. I was born in the City of Bolívar, Province of Buenos Aires, on January 5, 1978. I lived in the town of Pirovano until I was 18 years old, when I emigrated to the City of Buenos Aires to study Law. After the training I enrolled in the Public Bar Association of the Federal Capital (CPACF) jurisdiction where I practice the profession. I also work in the National Registry of People (ReNaPer). In the Department of Legal Technique. I also completed the Doctorate in Legal Sciences at the University of the Argentine Social Museum (UMSA), after completing the course I am currently writing the Thesis to present to the Academic Council in a month. My Thesis deals with the Treaties celebrated by the States of the region (Latin American) and especially the Argentine State and its possible non-compliance with these treaties in whole or in part. I chose this theme, since I suffer from a congenital visceral cardiac disability that marked my entire childhood and youth and at all times aroused my interest, which was enhanced by studying Law and then receiving my degree and today, when completing the Doctorate described above, I decided to write the thesis with this topic that is the one that awakens the greatest interest and knowledge in me. In addition to this topic, I am interested in researching and dealing with topics such as Public International Law and Integration Law. In addition to the Labor Law specifically regarding people with disabilities and Protection rights for women who suffer domestic and gender violence. I lived in Brazil for approximately six months where I went to carry out a series of investigations at the Barriga Verde University (Universidade Barriga Verde - UNIBAVE) located in the State of Santa Catarina in the City of Orleans. Place where I gave a series of conferences and published in the University magazine. And I joined the Nucleus of Research in Law (Núcleo de Pesquisa em Direito - NUPEDI), guest research.


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How to Cite

Morán Santos, E. E. (2022). THE RESPONSABILITY OF STATE IN THE FACE OF NON COMPLIANCE WITH INTERNATIONAL INSTRUMENTS ON DISABILITY. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(8), e381774.