
  • Victor Hugo Meneses Milagres
  • Caroline Silva de Araujo Lima
  • Ramon Aragão Dutra Neto
  • Maria Gabriela Teles de Moraes
  • Maria Eduarda de Aragão Peixoto
  • Marianna de Aragão Peixoto
  • Melissa Ramos Passos
  • Márcia Farsura de Oliveira



Health Education, Coronavirus, Mental Health, Mourning


The pandemic caused by the new coronavirus reinforced the idea that the social determinants of health, related to occupational conditions, directly affect the mental health of professionals working in primary, secondary and tertiary levels of health care. Thus, the present study aimed to review in the scientific literature which teaching methodologies used in death education, during medical graduation, in face of the social determinants of mental health during the pandemic of the new coronavirus. For this, a review was made in the scientific databases SciELO, PubMed and Periódicos Capes, using the descriptors "Emergencies" AND "Mental Health"; "Coronavirus" AND "Mental Health"; "Health Education" AND "Coronavirus"; "Health Education" AND "Coronavirus"; "Coronavirus" AND "Health Education" AND "Mental Health". The result identified, after the analysis of seven articles, was: the pedagogical planning of the health education activity should be aimed at overcoming the fact that farewell rites have relevance, since observing/seeing the deceased person ensures the subjectivity of the individual, who perceives the rupture of the bonds of coexistence, the conditionings of the real state that, although hurting, are essential for the ratification of the absence of interaction with the one whose life has come to an end.


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Author Biographies

Victor Hugo Meneses Milagres

Faculdade Dinâmica do Vale do Piranga- FADIP.


Caroline Silva de Araujo Lima

Faculdade Dinâmica do Vale do Piranga- FADIP.

Ramon Aragão Dutra Neto

Faculdade Dinâmica do Vale do Piranga- FADIP.

Maria Gabriela Teles de Moraes

Centro Universitário Fametro.

Maria Eduarda de Aragão Peixoto

Centro Universitário Fametro.

Marianna de Aragão Peixoto

Centro Universitário Fametro.

Melissa Ramos Passos

Universidade Nilton Lins.

Márcia Farsura de Oliveira

Faculdade Dinâmica do Vale do Piranga- FADIP.


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How to Cite

Meneses Milagres, V. H., Silva de Araujo Lima, C., Aragão Dutra Neto, R. ., Teles de Moraes, M. G., Aragão Peixoto , M. E. de ., Aragão Peixoto, M. de ., … Farsura de Oliveira, M. . (2023). DEATH EDUCATION IN UNDERGRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION IN THE FACE OF SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF MENTAL HEALTH IN THE PANDEMIC . RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(2), e422760.