


Decolonial, Marxism, Child education


This work arises from the need to present the historicization of childhood education, following a path to reach the stage of early childhood education. This stage is the focus of a particular Research Project developed in a mentioned Professional Master's Program in Education at a State University in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. In this proposal, historical facts are associated with considerations about how the Decolonial and Marxist epistemologies can contribute to the didactic actions carried out at this stage of teaching within a certain Early Childhood Education Center assisted by the State Education Network of Mato Grosso do Sul. To carry out this investigation, the methodology to be used is a qualitative approach, in a historical perspective, based on bibliographical and documentary research and aspects of the organization of didactic work: the mediation instruments used in classes, physical space, didactic resources and technologies used.



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Author Biographies

Katia Cristiane Borges de Oliveira

Graduated in Letters - Portuguese and English from (UEM) State University of Maringá/PR (1999); Postgraduate Lato Sensu in English Language: Teaching-Learning at UNIDERP-ANHANGERA/MS(2007); Degree in Pedagogy from UNIMES (Metropolitan University of Santos/SP) (2015); participated as a Special Student of the Master's Degree in Education at UEMS (State University of Mato Grosso do Sul) in the subjects "Special Topics of Children's Literature" (2016) and "Education, Culture and Sexuality" (2017). Regular student of the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program - Professional Master's Degree in Education (On-site mode), at the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul, at the University Unit of Campo Grande. Teacher at the State Education Network (SED) at E.E. Prof.ª Maria Rita de Cássia Pontes Teixeira and in the municipal education network (SEMED) at E.M. Prof.ª Maria Tereza Rodrigues, currently working as Pedagogical Coordination Assistant with experience in Reading Projects and Storytelling.

Marilu Ribeiro

Graduated in PEDAGOGY with qualification in the Early Years of Elementary School and
Teaching Pedagogical Matters from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho -
UNESP (1997). Apostille in Early Childhood Education by Faculdade Mantenense dos Vales Gerais -
INTERVALE/Instituto Coimbra/MG (2019). Degree in HISTORY from Claretiano Centro Universitário
(2021). Professional Master's student in Education at the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul -
UEMS (2022-2024). Specialist in Technologies in Education from the Pontifical Catholic University -
PUC/RJ (2010). Specialist in Special Education - Intellectual Disability from the State University
of Mato Grosso do Sul - UEMS (2018). Specialist in Inspection, Supervision, Pedagogical Coordination
and School Management by Faculdade Mantenense dos Vales Gerais - INTERVALE/Instituto Coimbra/MG (2020).
Specialist in Brazilian Sign Language - LIBRAS by Faculdade Mantenense dos Vales Gerais -
INTERVALE/Instituto Coimbra/MG (2022).


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How to Cite

Borges de Oliveira , K. C., & Ribeiro, M. (2023). CONSTRUCTIVE DIALOGUES: MIGNOLO X FREIRE AND THE ORGANIZATION OF DIDACTIC WORK CARRIED OUT IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(9), e493831.