


Stable Union. Qualified Dating. Dating Contract.


The present article has as its theme the conjugal affection, demonstrating its function as the subjective element that differentiates the stable union from the qualified dating element under a Brazilian legal view, aiming to analyze it and demonstrating a brief historical analysis about the concept of family in the beginnings of society and society of evolution until reaching the specific legislation and in a new context in affective relationships, because the problematic separation is not correct of the qualified terms of distinction, So we have as justification for the understanding of how each of the terms of terms of according to the justification to be demonstrated, after demonstrating the historical evolution of the qualified institutes of doctrine and society as ours and its different differentiators of doctrine and society as is the conclusion in the whole concept of the affective maritalis is our society how difficult and their identification, highlighting, and the importance of magistrates in identifying the subjective element in a concrete case.


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Author Biographies

Guilherme Pereira Primo

Acadêmico do 10º período do curso de Direito da UNICERRADO.

Leonardo Alves Garcia

Mestrando em desenvolvimento Regional pela Unialfa – Centro Universitário Alves de Faria.


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How to Cite

Pereira Primo, G., & Alves Garcia, L. (2023). STABLE UNION AND DATING CONTRACTS IN THE LIGHT OF THE BRAZILIAN LEGAL ORDER. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(12), e4124674.