


Effectiveness, Team, Management, Leadership


In the context of organizations, the effectiveness of high-performance teams is crucial, particularly in high-pressure and demanding environments. A team's ability to achieve and maintain high performance is fundamental not only for the success of the organizations but also for the well-being of all individuals within them and the communities they serve. This study focuses on the dynamics and investigation of the effectiveness of high-performance teams in a hospital context, exploring how interactions and characteristics influence outcomes and their success. The present study adopts a quantitative approach to outline the foundations of perception among healthcare professionals from various specialties, from doctors to operational assistants, to better understand the variables that contribute to perceived effectiveness in their collaborative work. In this context, the research aims to answer fundamental questions about how members of high-performance teams perceive the effectiveness of their joint efforts, which factors are considered critical for team success, and how leadership and organizational practices influence these perceptions.


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Author Biographies

João Santos

Real Estate Management student at Escola Superior de Actividades Imobiliárias

Nuno Sá Leão

Real Estate Management student at Escola Superior de Actividades Imobiliárias

Mário Durão

PhD in Education, specializing in Educational Psychology.Professor at Escola Superior de Actividades Imobiliárias (Lisbon, Portugal).


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How to Cite

Santos, J., Sá Leão, N., & Durão, M. (2024). PERCEPTION OF EFFECTIVENESS IN HIGH-PERFORMANCE TEAMS. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(1), e515435.



