
  • Anna Cristina Barbosa Dias de Carvalho



education has undergone a series of changes over the


Higher education has undergone a series of changes over the past few years. The market demand for new skills has led universities and colleges to seek more appropriate ways to develop their activities. An important issue to be taken into account is the dissatisfaction of students with traditional classes. Active methodologies are present in this process of change and with the covid-19 pandemic they were more important. The use of technologies to develop remote classes required teachers and students to restructure the tools to be used in classes. One of these methodologies is the flipped classroom. It has been used a lot during the last few years. This work aims to present a case study developed in the discipline of Industrial Organization, in two faculties of technology, in the course of Industrial Automation. Articles were used to be discussed in class through summaries and questions to be prepared by the students. At the end of the activities, a satisfaction survey was carried out with the students. Throughout the work, the methodology and the results obtained will be presented.


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Author Biography

Anna Cristina Barbosa Dias de Carvalho

Faculdade de Tecnologia de São Bernardo


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How to Cite

Barbosa Dias de Carvalho, A. C. (2022). INVERTED CLASS: AN EXPERIENCE IN THE DISCIPLINE OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(5), e351427.