Interrupted Pregnancy, Spontaneous Abortion, Casuality of AbortionAbstract
Spontaneous abortion refers to an interrupted pregnancy, in an involuntary manner before the twentieth week, having a 15 - 20% occurrence. In this context, the objective of this study refers to a systematic review approaching a few factors that can initiate such event, emphasizing the heterogeneous etymology of a spontaneous abortion covering genetic and non-genetic causes, like socioeconomic and demographic factors. The selected method of study was accomplished through information available on digital platforms such as Brazilian Journal, Scielo, Repositório FURG, PUC-Goias and UNIARP, including studies that delivers causes of spontaneous abortion and excluding studies that weren't available or that didn't match the main topic of this study. Therefore, emphasizing the main factors of spontaneous abortion as chromosomal anomalies and socioeconomic and demographic conditions - such as age, schooling, infectious and endocrine factors. Therefore, the establishment of causes and risk factors of a spontaneous abortion for a better gestational prognosis and a lower risk of abortion. Also, establishing an integral attention on patients who have suffered with the trauma of such an event, aiming to minimize psychological damages.
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