


Public Security, Police Intelligence, Mission, Military Police


This article seeks to examine the new Mission of the Local Intelligence Agencies (ALI's), of the Brazilian Military Police (PM's), with the advent of Law No. 14,751, of December 12, 2023, which instituted the National Organic Law of the Military Police and Military Fire Brigades of the States, the Federal District, and the Territories. To achieve our goal, it was necessary to explore the legal basis that underlies the existence and performance of these institutions. By analyzing the Federal Constitution of 1988 and related legislation, we intend to clarify the conformity of these corporations with democratic principles and individual rights. In this study, issues related to the basic role of the Military Police are addressed and a brief comparison with the Civil Police (PC's) in their respective actions in the public security of our country, considering the contemporary challenges and the perspectives of harmonization with the constitutional precepts. In addition to presenting the importance of intelligence activities in the military sphere, which now act legally in helping to combat crime in general, strengthening Public Security and qualifying the performance of the Military Police, subsidizing decisions that will benefit the main interested party, which is the Brazilian Society.



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Author Biographies

Odilon Jacinto de Almeida Neto

Graduated in Administration from the Universidade Paranaense (2011). Executive MBA in Business Management from the Universidade Paranaense (2013). Specialist in Public Security from Centro Universitário UniFatecie (2020). Specialist in Military Law from Faculdade Unina (2022). Trained in Fundamentals for Narcotrafficking and Organized Crime Repression - FRoNt, by the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2021). Technical degree in Theology from the Instituto Bíblico das Assembléias de Deus do Paraná (2006). Operates in Public Security as a member of the Military Police of Paraná, with experience in the fields of Public and Military Security, focusing on Operational and Administrative sectors. Currently stationed in the Justice and Discipline Section.

Rodrigo Escarmanhani Rodrigues

He holds a degree in Officer Training Course from the Guatupê Military Police Academy (2013). He is currently a Military Police Officer of the Military Police of Paraná. She has experience in the area of Political Science, with an emphasis on Public Policy.


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How to Cite

Jacinto de Almeida Neto, O., & Escarmanhani Rodrigues, R. (2024). THE NEW MISSION OF LOCAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES OF BRAZILIAN MILITARY POLICE, WITH THE ADVENT OF LAW Nº 14.751/2023. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(1), e514828.