Learning, teaching, strategies, motivation, virtuality.Abstract
The main objective of this research article is to denote the main causes of the low level of learning in the subject of Biology of a group of forty-three Ecuadorian students, belonging to the second year of General Unified High School of the "Luis Cordero Educational Unit”, located in Azogues, Cañar, Ecuador. The study is based on the interpretative paradigm with a mixed qualitative-quantitative approach, for this reason, a survey and an interview were used as part of the instruments for the collection of information. Thanks to this research, it was possible to highlight as the main result that the learning level of the subject of Biology is especially affected by the scarcity of methodological strategies that adapt and respond to the specific needs of a group of students, as well as to the modality in which the teaching-learning process is developed, confirming at the same time that each student processes the information in a different way and at different times, the lack of motivation and the traditionalism that prevails in the classroom.
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