pedagogical proposal for teachers of the initialAbstract
This article aims to present a pedagogical proposal for teachers of the early years of elementary school, mathematics from scratch, and the conceptions of the four fundamental operations of mathematics. The difficulties faced by elementary school students are addressed, considering that at this stage of teaching, students should already have mastery of the discipline, however, teaching methods have changed radically in the last decade and the best way to entertain students is by performing playful activities and games that encompass exercises that need to perform accounts instead of distributing to each student a list of mathematical problems and theoretically explain how to solve them. The study was carried out through bibliographic research in scientific articles addressing the theme and is justified by the fact that there is difficulty in learning mathematics for elementary school students, when they should already know how to perform accounts and solve mathematical problems involving the four operations. It is concluded that the best way to work with Mathematics with elementary school students is with the inclusion of playful activities that encompass numbers and accounts.
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