Information Technology. Artificial Intelligence. Education.Abstract
It is no longer anything new that the world has been transforming significantly over time and allowing people to carry out their jobs and activities in countless ways in their daily lives because of technological advancement, which keeps society constantly connected. These changes revealed that people no longer behave as in the past, since they left aside social exchanges, that is, the personal relationship between subjects to remain linked to the virtual world, meeting new people, without any proximity between them. In addition, it was noticed that access to information became much easier and faster, unlike before, when people needed to move from their homes to seek information in specific places, such as the library and, from this moment of flexibility, numerous strategies were used to improve the development of activities considered with high complexity content. Given this perspective, it is verified that the continuous and constant use of technologies that encompass concepts of Artificial Intelligence has been modifying the way society, in general, learns, manages its life and relates to the other, both personal and professional. Thus, it is emphasized that Education has not been forgotten, because technology has also been very effective in its contributions to improving the quality of teaching, bringing numerous possibilities of teaching-learning that make teaching practice more flexible and enhance the development of skills and competencies of students.
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