Phytotherapy. Medicinal plants. Bioactivity.Abstract
Bottles are typical handmade herbal products, prepared by immersion of medicinal plants in alcoholic beverages, from this point designated by bottles. Although its preparation is extremely easy, its safety and effectiveness are questionable, since, in most cases, there is no scientific proof of its bioactivity. Furthermore, there are no governmente health regulations regarding these products. In Brazil, anaemia is a common pathology and, for its treatment, there are several popular recipes for bottles. In this research, we sought to analyze the bottles recipe available on the internet indicated to anaemia treatment. The methodology involved bibliographic research on the bioactive metabolites of each plant species indicated in the recipe, followed by the preparation of methanolic extracts of each plant species used in the bottles preparation, to verify the authenticity and quality. A methanolic extract with all vegetal species and the bottles recipe was also prepared. The samples were submitted to analysis by Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry. The results indicated that, although the chemical markers of the plant species were found in the methanolic extracts of each species, many were absent in the extracts prepared by the simultaneous addition of all species and even in the bottle itself. It was concluded that of the 25 secondary metabolites identified in the bottle, only 10 are bioactive however, the bibliographical research carried out did not indicate specific bioactive effects that favor its therapeutic use against anaemia.
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