Banking education; Paulo Freire; Reflection; Answers.Abstract
The objective of this research is to reflect on traditional teaching, criticizing it and proposing changes in the way of teaching in the 21st century. For this purpose, bibliographical research of the narrative review type was adopted as a methodology, and its approach is classified as qualitative. The process of choosing the works that supported this investigation was carried out subjectively, according to the interests of the researchers, so the results were analyzed according to their understandings and interpretations. In summary, through works of literature by authors such as Freire, Dewey, Perrenoud and others and scientific works already published, it is possible to discuss and reflect on traditional education, where it can be stated that it is outdated for students of present. Outdated because students can no longer sit still and listen to the teacher speak as before, they need to interact, which is why active learning is advocated, in which the student participates as an agent in the construction of their knowledge and no longer just listens the teacher exposes the content. Furthermore, the world is constantly changing, which poses frequent challenges, and therefore, students need to prepare themselves for this reality, know how to solve problems, reflect, be autonomous and critical towards society. Ultimately, this work is an invitation to reflect on this way of teaching, traditional pedagogy.
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