


Real state, Conflicts, Negotiation


Carrying out functions in the commercial area requires you to have skills that enhance your negotiating capacity, which is inherent to the activity. Conducting a negotiation can be complex, is multidimensional and requires specific knowledge, right up to the conclusion and construction of agreements. During negotiations, conflicts may arise, some avoidable, others not, and it is necessary to know how to manage them in the best way, so that they do not develop until they reach a stage of procedural litigation. Within the scope of this theme, an investigation was conducted, using 60 participants, linked to the commercial area, who responded to a questionnaire survey designed to verify attitudes in conflict situations and it was concluded that respondents strongly adopt a sharing strategy and they do not consider the use of avoidance or accommodation strategies.


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Author Biographies

  • Nina Pitra

    Real Estate Management student at Escola Superior de Actividades Imobiliárias

  • Tomás Almeida

    Real Estate Management student at Escola Superior de Actividades Imobiliárias

  • Mário Durão

    PhD in Education, specializing in Educational Psychology.Professor at Escola Superior de Actividades Imobiliárias (Lisbon, Portugal).


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