Negotiation. Business practices. Distributive tactics. Integrative tactics.Abstract
In a negotiation, it is necessary to have an argumentative basis in order to achieve a successful result, and it is necessary to know how to question, listen, communicate non-verbally and argue. There are techniques that the negotiator uses to manipulate the objects of the negotiation and tactics, i.e. practical and specific actions that are part of a broader spectrum that converge to take advantage of strategic opportunities, and there are two main types of negotiating tactics: distributive and integrative. A questionnaire survey was administered to a sample of 75 participants working in the commercial and negotiation area. The main results show that the participants, mostly, indicated that they always or often use integrative tactics. They highlight the complexity of negotiation interactions and the need to consider a variety of factors when analysing the strategies adopted by negotiators, which provide useful insights for professionals and researchers interested in understanding and improving negotiation skills in different contexts.
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