
  • Simone Regina de Silva




Dyslexia, Inclusion, Understanding, Strategies


This document aims to present the proposal for a Course Completion Work in
the area of teaching directed to dyslexic students. It deals with how the teacher can, through differentiated strategies and methodologies, help to promote a more appropriate and meaningful teaching for this group of students, and with that help to promote the appreciation of diversity.
Inclusive education aims at attending and evaluating diversity, as it understands
that each student has unique abilities, when compared, add and enrich greatly as relationships and interactions between them, generating a more effective and broad learning. In this way, the school becomes a safe place, which not only creates opportunities for the encounter with the other, but also models actions of respect and appreciation to the different ones. Among the many specificities that contribute to heterogeneity in the school environment is dyslexia, which is known as a learning disorder that is quite common in
the school environment because it is directly linked to reading and writing.
It is at school, where the dyslexic student encounters his greatest difficulties,
especially in the early years of literacy. The school model that we find today is not yet
ready to meet his needs. Its methodology, functioning and evaluative forms, always
focused on the memorization of content do not contribute to the learning development of this group of students. On the contrary, they cause great discomfort and impair self-esteem, thus slowing down their evolutionary process.


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Author Biography

Simone Regina de Silva

American Planet


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How to Cite

Silva, S. R. de. (2022). DYSLEXIA IN THE SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT: HOW TO HELP THE DYSLEXIC STUDENT. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(1), e361669. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v3i1.1669