


Technology has advanced more and more and occupied


Technology has advanced more and more and occupied the educational space. The present study enables a research and investigation related to the teaching of mathematics, presenting characteristics and attitudes in which students start to have a concrete knowledge, seeking understanding through their experiments, involving subjects that are in everyday life, such as plane geometry, the playful and the technologies that can be applied in teaching, such as the GeoGebra application. The study aims to present in a simple and succinct way the importance of teaching geometry and the use of technology and playfulness, facilitating the understanding and learning of students in mathematics classes. The qualitative research was carried out with the students of the 9th Year of Elementary School of a school that is located in the city of Campo Formoso-BA. The experience and the dynamics proposed in the classroom showed that the students had few difficulties in understanding the contents taught. This project provided students with significant growth, presenting the playfulness and technologies that arrived to add and improve in the learning of the students.


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Author Biographies

Janderson Ribeiro dos Santos

Professor de Matemática do Ensino Fundamental I e II, mestre em ciências da educação e doutorando em ciências da educação pela ENBER UNIVERSITY.

Maria Regiane Souza Bonfim

Professora de Matemática.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro dos Santos, J., & Souza Bonfim, M. R. (2023). THE USE OF GEOGEBRA TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL II MATHEMATICS CLASSES. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(8), e483887.