



Supervised Internship. Technological Resources. Gamification


This article describes the experience in the Supervised Internship in Computing I of the Degree in Computing at the State University of Amazonas. The internship is a crucial stage in the training of future teachers, connecting theory and practice to reflect on teaching methods and transform learning. Held at the Nucleus of Higher Education in Careiro, focusing on the use of technological resources and innovative methodologies. Divided into observation, co-participation and conducting, the internship provides a complete experience in the school environment. During the regency, a didactic proposal of gamification was developed to make the teaching of History more attractive.





The use of the QR Code application and gamification revealed  positive  results,  promoting a  dynamic and  engaging  approach  to   learning.  The interaction between educational theories and technological practices is emphasized to enrich the learning experience. The internship offers future educators opportunities to observe experienced professionals, explore areas of expertise and reflect on their career choices. This contributes to professional growth, preparing them to face educational challenges with a solid foundation. The focus on integrating technological resources aims to enable teachers to guide students in the effective use of technological tools. The internship experiences highlight the importance of interaction between professors and students, in addition to the efficient use of technology in teaching. These enriching experiences shape competent teachers who are ready to address the challenges of contemporary education.


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Author Biographies

Vanderson Lima Reis

Universidade do Estado do Amazonas - UEA

Luiz Sérgio de Oliveira Barbosa

Universidade do Estado do Amazonas - UEA.


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How to Cite

Lima Reis, V., & de Oliveira Barbosa, L. S. (2023). EXPERIENCES EXPERIENCED IN THE SUPERVISED INTERNSHIP IN COMPUTING I: THE USE OF GAMIFICATION AS A TEACHING METHOD IN HISTORY SUBJECT IN ELEMENTARY EDUCATION II. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(9), e493987. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v4i9.3987