Pregnancy, Obstetrics, Health Policy, Postpartum PeriodAbstract
Obstetric violence is a major public health problem, which is characterized as practices directed against women's sexual and reproductive health, committed by professionals who work in health units and services. This study aims to analyze the consequences of obstetric violence in the lives of women in the postpartum period of up to one year. This is a qualitative, basic, descriptive, analytical research, carried out in a municipality in the interior of Bahia. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 8 women, who were up to one year after giving birth, who are attended at a basic health unit. Data were submitted to Thematic Content Analysis. After analysis, the results showed four empirical categories: Experience about prenatal care; Childbirth experience; Perception and knowledge about obstetric violence; Consequences of obstetric violence in women's lives. These results express the need to promote education and discussion strategies on the subject of obstetric violence with pregnant women and health professionals, since there is still a lack of preparation and violation of basic rights of pregnant women. It is necessary to draw attention to the problem, giving visibility not only to women who have suffered or may suffer obstetric violence, and in some way to strengthen humanization in prenatal care, childbirth, childbirth and the puerperium.
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