



Emotional Intelligence, Conflict Management, Intelligence Quotient


The Emotional Quotient can be a critical differentiator in contexts where interpersonal skills and emotional management are essential. Emotional Intelligence complements the Intelligence Quotient but can often surpass it in determining success in careers and interpersonal relationships. Investing in the development of emotional intelligence can bring significant benefits to both individuals and organizations. The property sector is notoriously competitive and often embroiled in conflict and subject to rapid changes in the market. Effective conflict management is crucial to maintaining productivity, customer satisfaction and the company's reputation. This study sought to investigate the perception of real estate workers in Portugal about the importance of using Emotional Intelligence (EI) to manage conflicts in their professional activity. The sample consisted of 71 participants who answered a questionnaire using Google Forms. The main results show that EI is recognized as important or extremely important in conflict management in organizations and identify self-knowledge and empathy as the most important pillars of EI in conflict management.


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Author Biographies

  • Conceição Machado

    Real Estate Management student at Escola Superior de Actividades Imobiliárias

  • Paulo Rebelo

    Real Estate Management student at Escola Superior de Actividades Imobiliárias

  • Mário Durão

    PhD in Education, specializing in Educational Psychology.Professor at Escola Superior de Actividades Imobiliárias (Lisbon, Portugal).


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How to Cite

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE IN CONFLICT MANAGEMENT IN ORGANIZATIONS. (2024). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(1), e515471. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v5i1.5471