
It is with immense enthusiasm and satisfaction that we introduce RECIMA21 - a scientific journal dedicated to the dissemination of information, knowledge and collaboration. We are deeply aligned with the conviction that education is the primary tool for the transformation of a society and its integral development.
As a scientific vehicle, RECIMA21 aims to be a robust and reliable platform where researchers and experts can submit their studies and discoveries, ensuring democratic and universal access to valuable information. We fervently believe that by sharing information and knowledge, we are assisting in building a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of our ever-evolving world. In a society characterized by its fluidity, the ability to understand and adapt is crucial to reinforcing our humanity.
Originated from the vision of two university professors, RECIMA21 was conceived to reflect the rigor and excellence of scientific works, supported by an editorial and scientific board committed to the quality and integrity of publications. With the aspiration to establish itself as a benchmark in digital scientific journals, we are proud to launch RECIMA21 in the global academic scenario from 2020.
Welcome to a new era of scientific sharing and discovery. Welcome to RECIMA21.

  • 30th Anniversary of the Real: Celebrating Brazil's Economic Stability


    On July 1, 1994, Brazil took a crucial step towards economic stability with the launch of the Real currency. Now, three decades later, we celebrate the 30th anniversary of this currency that transformed the Brazilian economy, providing a solid foundation for the country's growth and development.

    The Creation of the Real

    The Real was introduced as part of the Plano Real (Real Plan), a set of economic measures implemented to combat the hyperinflation that plagued Brazil since the 1980s. At the time, inflation reached astronomical levels, eroding the purchasing power of Brazilians and creating an environment of economic uncertainty. The implementation of the Real was a turning point, bringing stability and predictability to the economy.

    Impact on the Economy

    The stabilization of the currency had a profound and positive impact on various sectors. With inflation under control, interest rates were reduced, encouraging investment and consumption. Businesses could plan for the long term, and citizens regained confidence in the value of their money, promoting sustainable economic growth.

    The Importance of a Stable Currency

    A stable currency is fundamental to the economic development of any country. It provides an environment of predictability, which is essential for business and individual planning. Currency stability also helps attract foreign investment, as investors seek economies with less risk of devaluation and instability.

    Moreover, a stable currency helps control inflation, protecting the purchasing power of citizens. This is especially important for lower-income classes, who are most affected by the loss of money's value. With a stable currency, the government can implement more effective economic policies without the need for drastic and unpopular measures.

    The Legacy of the Real

    Over these 30 years, the Real has established itself as a pillar of the Brazilian economy. Despite the challenges and economic crises the country faced, the currency has endured, demonstrating the robustness of the reforms implemented in the past. The Real symbolizes Brazil's fight against inflation and the continuous pursuit of a stable and prosperous economic environment.


    Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Real is more than commemorating the longevity of a currency; it is recognizing the value of economic stability and the importance of policies that promote sustainable development. As we look to the future, it is essential to continue valuing the stability achieved, ensuring that the Real remains a symbol of trust and progress for all generations of Brazilians.

    In an increasingly globalized and uncertain world, the solidity of our currency is a testament to our ability to overcome challenges and build a better future. Long live the Real, and may many more years of stability and growth come!

    Read more about 30th Anniversary of the Real: Celebrating Brazil's Economic Stability


    The editor-in-chief of Revista RECIMA21, Prof. Dr. Márcio M. Conceição, was present at the XVI Brazilian Congress of Private Higher Education (CBESP). With the central theme "Educational public policies: creative and innovative solutions for a new Brazil", more than 500 educators were gathered in person in Mogi das Cruzes (SP) for the 16th edition of CBESP.

    The congress, held on May 5, 6 and 7, 2024, at Club Med Lake Paradise, was a three-day immersion with lectures, workshops and debates on the topic. With the presence of nationally and internationally renowned speakers, the event brought significant contributions to Brazilian Higher Education.

    The result of the debates is in line with the 2024 Programmatic Agenda of Brazil Education – Brazilian Forum on Private Education. This document is the result of the work developed by more than 40 specialists from the entities that make up Brasil Educação, in a great union of purposes. The common goal is to drive quality growth in education, promoting the transformation of the Brazilian reality.



    The state of Rio Grande do Sul was shaken by a tragedy caused by the heavy rains that hit the region. Floods and landslides have killed dozens of people and left thousands homeless, facing the loss of their homes and belongings. Rescuers are working tirelessly to search for the missing, while temporary shelters have been set up to treat the destitute. Revista RECIMA21 made a donation and is sharing the link to collect donations for the people of Rio Grande do Sul. Anyone who can donate, follow the link. The solidarity of the population and volunteers has been crucial in helping the victims, but reconstruction will be a long-term challenge.

    Click here to donate



    The National Council of Education, through the Ministry of Education, officially invites Abrafi to present its innovative research on Higher Education in Distance Education. This study, recently published in e-book format in the Scientific Journal RECIMA21, offers an in-depth and up-to-date analysis of the distance education scenario in Brazil.

    We congratulate the editors of RECIMA21 on this new achievement! Don't miss the opportunity to access this publication for free. Check out the link to the article to get all the details and dive into the world of distance education.

    Click here to read the article

    Clik here for e-book



    Dear contributors,

    I hope you are all enjoying excellent health and well-being! As we embark on another year, we also face new and exciting challenges. I am delighted to reiterate the commitment of the RECIMA21 Magazine team to always be at your disposal, offering round-the-clock support, 24 hours a day, every day of the week.

    Reflecting on the past year, we celebrate significant achievements thanks to your invaluable support and trust. We are proud to have published over 1300 articles, a remarkable feat that enabled us to reach an average of 80,000 accesses per month. Moreover, our presence has expanded to over 172 countries, a resounding success that reflects the reach and influence of our collaborative work.

    These achievements are not just numbers, but testimonies to the positive impact and relevance of our joint effort. Each published article and every reader reached represents a step forward in spreading knowledge and promoting intellectual dialogue.

    With this in mind, I would like to express my deepest gratitude. Your commitment and dedication are the backbone of our accomplishments. As we move into this new year, we continue to rely on your valuable collaboration, hoping together to reach new milestones and further expand our horizon.

    With sincere thanks and best wishes for a productive and fulfilling year,



    Dear Contributors,

    I hope everyone is enjoying good health and productivity.

    Within the scope of the significant investments that our journal has made to improve the excellence of its publications and optimize the entire editorial process, which involves a qualified and multidisciplinary team, it is necessary to make some adaptations. Starting January 1, 2024, submitted articles will undergo a revision in publication fees, reflecting the improved quality and expanded services offered.

    Thus, the publication fee will be adjusted to R$ 450.00 (four hundred and fifty reais) for national authors. For international employees, the equivalent fee will be U$ 200.00 (two hundred dollars). In case of need for unforeseen circumstances, the fee will be R$ 200.00 (two hundred reais).

    Such an adjustment is based on fundamental reasons. Given the substantial increase in daily accesses, our magazine was compelled to migrate its article platform to a hosting with greater storage capacity, now hosted on Amazon's infrastructure in the United States. As part of our efforts to improve the quality of publications, all articles are associated with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), whose cost in dollars has increased by 50% this year.

    In addition, the provision of Publication Certificates for authors, the establishment of uninterrupted support via WhatsApp and email 24 hours a day, as well as a range of other improvements, require considerable resources, both in terms of time and highly trained professionals. Our administrative team consists of doctors, Ph.Ds, lawyers, journalists, publicists, librarians, information technology specialists, accountants and grammar checkers. Last but not least, we have a Data Protection Officer (DPO), reflecting our commitment to adhering to the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) and ensuring adequate control of our employees' information.

    Thank you in advance for your understanding. We are convinced that, by investing in quality and excellence, we will contribute to the strengthening of our journal as a prominent vehicle in the academic and professional scenario.



    Dear Writers,

    I hope you are all in excellent health and spirits!

    It is with great pleasure that we announce the award ceremony for the most viewed and most cited articles published by Editora RECIMA21's journals. The event will take place virtually on December 2 at 4 p.m.

    Your presence will be an honor for us. To participate, simply access the Zoom link that is attached.

    We take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a New Year full of accomplishments, including many successful publications!


    Prof. Dr. Márcio Magera Conceição, Prof. Edson Berbel and Profa. Joelma T. Pacheco 

    Join Zoom Meeting
    On December 02, 2023
    Meeting ID: 869 1457 3781
    Password: 203781

  • ABEC Meeting 2023


    Prof. Dr. Márcio Magera Conceição, editor-in-chief of RECIMA21, participated in the ABEC Meeting 2023 in Foz do Iguaçu, PR, from November 21 to 23 this year, joining approximately 180 scientific editors from Brazil and abroad. ABEC Brasil, which currently has 1,852 members, including individual, institutional and international members, is an internationally renowned and non-profit association. Its mission is to unite individuals and organizations dedicated to the development and improvement of scientific journals, as well as the promotion of scientific communication and dissemination. The association also plays a vital role in fostering the exchange of ideas, debate on pertinent issues, and the advocacy of common interests in academia. Included is a photo of Prof. Dr. Márcio next to the president of ABEC, Prof. Dr. Sigmar de Mello Rode.

    Read more about ABEC Meeting 2023
  • 3rd International Meeting of Scientific Journals


    On October 6, 2023, the editorial team of the journal RECIMA21 organized the 3rd International Meeting of Scientific Journals at Guarulhos University, in São Paulo, Brazil. The event was honored to be attended by editors and professors from countries such as the United States, Portugal, Angola and Mozambique. Of the ten speakers who attended, three are ranked among the top 10 researchers in the world in their respective fields. Among them are: Dr. Jamil A. Shibli, Dr. Josué de Moraes, Dr. Magda Feres, Esp. Edson Roberto Berbel, Dr. Bruno Magera Conceição, Dr. Anthony Portigliatti, Dr. Rafael Olivieri, Me. Magno de Oliveira, Dr. Davis Alves and Dr. Antonio Mussaqui. We were thrilled to record the virtual attendance of more than 7,000 attendees, to whom we express our deep gratitude.

    Read more about 3rd International Meeting of Scientific Journals


    Today, August 21, 2023, Revista Científica RECIMA21 celebrates its third anniversary! Three years marked by a trajectory full of challenges and learnings. Understanding this specific scenario has led us to growth not only as technical professionals, but also as individuals.
    When facing the challenge of Open Journal Systems, we realized the importance of having an Information Technology professional who is also a true friend, present at all hours. When I say "all hours," I mean literally day and night. The commitment of the editors, reviewers, writers and professionals involved in various aspects of the editorial process played a key role in the success of our journal. We recognize and value these contributions which, taken together, have become the solid foundation of our triumph.
    Among the achievements throughout this period, we highlight the achievement of Qualis, the inclusion in several indexers and directories, the achievement of a significant impact factor, the attribution of DOI, the establishment of partnerships both nationally and internationally, the citations in Google Scholar, the calculation of the h-index and, to crown our efforts, access to the journal in more than 170 countries, totaling three million views. A trajectory of undisputed success!
    We express our deep gratitude to all those who have placed their trust in RECIMA21 and shared their research with us. Our current existence is the result of his initiative in submitting his work to a magazine that, in the beginning, was nothing more than an ambitious project surrounded by people determined to make it work. And it really worked. To each of you, our sincerest thanks for being a fundamental part of this journey.
    Thank you very much!
    Prof. Dr. Márcio Magera Conceição
    Prof. Ms. Joelma T. P. Conceicao
    Prof. Edson Roberto Berbel

  • War in Ukraine – 471 days today!


    Russia's invasion of Ukraine began on February 24, 2022. The reason, according to Vladimir Putin – President of Russia, was why Ukraine applied to be part of NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is a supranational body that aims to ensure the security of its member countries through specific actions, created on April 4, 1949. But the real reason lurks behind Russia's economic greed. Ukraine accounts for 12% of world wheat exports and 15% of maize exports. Along with Russia, the invaded country holds a fairly significant share of the world trade in wheat (30%), maize (17%), barley (32%) and sunflower oil, seeds and bran (50%). Not counting the second world reserve in Manganese, approximately 25%, second only to South Africa. There are other countries that border Russia and that already participate in NATO, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia, but as these countries do not have an economic attraction, they were not taken into account by Russia's dictator, Vladimir Putin.

    According to the BBC London, based on UN reports, 8 million Ukrainians have left the country to flee the war and 240,000 soldiers from both sides and about 40,000 civilians have died. In this context, we have approximately 600 deaths per day, which gives 25 deaths per hour, since the beginning of the conflict. There are thousands of young people, children and the elderly who have had their families destroyed by economic issues and pure human greed. With each passing day we lose a little of our humanity, watching this atrocity, sometimes online on TV or the Internet. Never has Hannah Arendt's banality of evil been so present in an event of the twenty-first century. The world authorities watch everything as if it does not affect them, but the problem is greater, when such facts show that human life has ceased to have value. When we don't feel empathy for the pain of the other, let something evil enter our lives and direct our actions, as we live on a single planet, all this will turn against all of us! We already live in an internal war over our incompetence to help others. The war is already here, too bad we didn't have the sensitivity to feel it!!

    Read more about War in Ukraine – 471 days today!
  • Ten years later! Kiss Nightclub!


    On January 27, 2023, it is 10 years since one of the most remarkable tragedies in the history of our country occurred: the fire at kiss nightclub, located in the city of Santa Maria, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The incident caused 878 victims, of which 242 died, of which 231 were still at the scene. The trial took place only in 2021, eight years later, convicting the defendants of intentional homicide. We of the group RECIMA21, we want to sympathize with all the families directly and indirectly involved, this was the third greatest tragedy in nightclubs in the world. Our sorrow!

    Read more about Ten years later! Kiss Nightclub!
  • Good news already at the beginning of the year 2023!


    The magazine RECIMA21 has just conquered its 71 indexer / directory, MIGUILIM - Brazil, an indexer that will take our journal even further. I also like to congratulate the 3 members of the journal, Dr. Jamil Awad Shibli, Dr. Josué de Moraes and Dr. Magda Feres who are researchers at Guarulhos University (UNG) and are on the list of the most influential scientists in the world, according to a study prepared by Stanford University (USA) and published in the scientific journal PLOS Biology, elsevier. This is the third consecutive year that teachers appear in the top 2% of the most influential by the impact and relevance of their scientific work.

    Read more about Good news already at the beginning of the year 2023!
  • Adjustment in publication rate


    Dear writers, due to the increase in costs we had this year 2022, we will make an adjustment in the value of the publication to keep the journal with the same level of quality. Therefore, from January 1st we will make an adjustment in the amount collected from the publication fee, going to R$ 299.00 (two hundred and ninety-nine reais) per published article. The adjustment is justified by the increase in the collected tax, IT, accounting office, skilled labor to work in the magazine, advertising, marketing, DOI (which is paid in dollars), spelling reviews and references, Internet package etc. All articles that are published after January 1st will already have the new value.

    Read more about Adjustment in publication rate
  • Merry Christmas and a New Year full of achievements!


    Dear writers, fellow teachers and friends!

    We're nearing the end of another year. If we look in the rearview mirror, we can see many things, but it is up to us what we will see! Life is beautiful, beautiful and full of love, but we humans get only the one that draws the most attention, and what is usually the worst thing. I don't want to create easy narratives, but in life, if we take problems more lightly, we can go further, always! We have the flowers, the animals, the stars, the waters, the other, the sun and life! What more can we want? Live the present, always!!! Don't leave the past forgotten or the future without projects. All this that is in your head was created and understood by you, manage well, and see the good side of it all! Victory takes time, but enough!

    Merry Christmas and a New Year full of achievements, health and peace!!

    Prof. Dr. Márcio Magera Conceição Ph.D.

    Prof. Esp. Edson Roberto Berbel

    Unto the dea. Ma. Joelma Telesi Pacheco Conceição

    Editors-in-Chief of Magazines


    Read more about Merry Christmas and a New Year full of achievements!
  • Happy Teacher's Day!


    Hello, dear writers and teachers!

    Today is celebrated the Teacher's Day! This friend, advisor, welcoming and great teacher who taught us to see the world by his gaze! So we eternalize the teacher in ourselves, replicating what good he gave us! The world walks the legs of the great masters. Thank you professor, your existence justified mine!

    Prof. Dr. Márcio Magera Conceição - Editor-in-Chief

    Read more about Happy Teacher's Day!


    Dear writers, due to the increase in costs to keep the journal with the same level of quality so far performed by its editors, we will from July 1st make an adjustment in the collected value of the publication fee, going to R$ 250.00 (two hundred and five hundred reais) per article published. The adjustment is justified by the increase in the collected tax, IT, accounting office, skilled labor to work in the magazine, advertising, marketing, DOI (which is paid in dollars), Internet package, etc. All articles that are submitted after July 1st will already have the new value.

  • New service from RECIMA21 - E-BOOK


    The Editor's Scientific Journal RECIMA21 begins to offer a new service to the academic community, to the publication of book chapters, monographs, dissertations and theses in the format of e-books from various areas of knowledge.

    For all works will be assigned the individual digital object identifier- DOI® of scientific production through Crossref. This identification will allow greater academic visibility, security against plutogio, indexing of the published work and inclusion of the work in the author's Lattes. The author, in possession of the e-book in PDF, may print or disseminate in digital format his work. All e-books will have a custom cover.

    The writings must be sent in word format via so that we can carry out the budget survey before publication.

    Read more about New service from RECIMA21 - E-BOOK
  • Award articles with most citations 2022


    With the aim of promoting science, as well as its dissemination, the MAGAZINE RECIMA21, is creating this year the Citations Award 2022. All writers who submit articles in the magazine RECIMA21, will compete without having to register or pay some fee for this, just have submitted and approved for publication an article. It is worth mentioning that this ranking of citations will be measured by Google Scholar Metrics (Academic).

    It will be offered to the writer of the magazine, who meet the regulation (article with more citations), a total prize of R $ 1,000.00 (thousand reais). For the 10 most cited articles, an e-book, with the respective most cited articles. The regulation to participate and compete for the prize, is on the magazine's website.

    Read more about Award articles with most citations 2022
  • II National Meeting of Scientific Journals October 7 in Vitória, ES


    Dear writers, reviewers and researchers, Feliz 2022!! I hope you all had a beautiful New Year's Eve party with health and peace!

    On October 7, 2022, we will hold our II National Meeting of Scientific Journals in the city of Vitória Espírito Santo. The event will take place with the participation of national and international speakers. We will have the participation of the president of ABEC - Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors, FCU, Florida Christian University, Orlando, USA.  Click on the link below to the event website and register, it's free!


    Read more about II National Meeting of Scientific Journals October 7 in Vitória, ES
  • National Meeting of Scientific Journals, 2021


    On October 1, 2021, in the city of Cabo Frio in the State of Rio De Janeiro, at the facilities of Ferlagos – Fundação Educacional da Região dos Lagos, we held the first national meeting of scientific journals. The event took place with the participation of national and international speakers. We had the participation of ABEC - Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors, FCU, Florida Christian University, Orlando, USA.  Click the link below to watch the event via YouTube.

    Clique - Encontro Nacional das Revistas Científicas

    Read more about National Meeting of Scientific Journals, 2021
  • New indexer and impact factor


    Dear writers, I hope you are all well!

    I bring good news about our journals. Our magazines RECIMA21, RECISATEC and ACERTTE, were indexed in one of the largest journal platforms in the world, NORMATIZA – Canadian, which operates in North America, Brazil and Europe, and all three journals have already achieved their impact factor; RECIMA21 was 4.99 and with 5 stars (maximum quality rating of the platform), RECISATEC was 1.25 and with 4 stars and ACERTTE with 1.39 and 5 stars. You can access the links below.



    Read more about New indexer and impact factor
  • Anniversary of RECIMA21, first year of life!


    On August 28, RECIMA21 Magazine will complete its first year of life! A real success, thanks to you editors, advisors, evaluators and writers who believed in our project.

    In these twelve months we have managed to index/directories 58 national and international platforms, we have reached an impact factor of 6,489 – COSMOS, USA, we have more than 1,100 registrations on our platform, published more than 300 articles and reached an average of 11,000 hits per month, being seen by more than 100 countries, according to Google Analytics.

    We are growing and desiring more and more to achieve a quality standard that meets our writers, as well as the national and international guidelines of a good scientific journal, while having a look at those who have difficulties in publishing their regionalized research. Thus, RECIMA21 continues to give opportunities and voice to all who can contribute scientific information, success cases, course completion work and empirical research to improve our socioeconomic relationship with the country and also with our planet Earth.

    Thank you all!

    Read more about Anniversary of RECIMA21, first year of life!
  • A brief history of scientific journals


    A brief history of scientific journals

    At the beginning of the 17th century we had the initial steps of scientific research publications in journals, one of the first was the Journal des Savants and the Philosophical Transactions, both began their activities in 1665.

    In this period communication took place through letters, books and philosophical and scientific meetings that took time to reach the streets, and such debates had their restricted circulation among the academic and financial elites of the time. Science was neither democratic nor free to access, as we know today thanks to social mobility and the democratisation of education in most countries.

    Technological development has brought the impression and circulation of these journals and their access becomes more democratic and social. Thus, the debate of ideas began to be more widely discussed and disseminated. Since the 1990s, with the advent of the Internet and the emergence of the first electronic journals, open access, the use of DOI (Digital object identifier) and even the growth of preprint publications (publications without peer review and not published in journals and fat track (publication with reduced stages of publishing), we recorded a favorable scenario for the growth of journals worldwide, highlighting its segmentation and also the commercialization of these platforms 'of knowledge', which was previously restricted only to universities and, now, the private sector becomes an important actor in this increasingly disputed scenario among publishers.

    Video that tells the story of periodicals

    Read more about A brief history of scientific journals
  • A look at the scientific journals of Brazil


    Scientific articles have been a tool for disseminating the research and development work of great scientists for more than five centuries. These journals had their dissemination carried out physically, that is, printed until the mid-2000s, when they began to be published digitally, via the Internet, through specific websites and own platforms, an example is that of Open Journal Systems, which gives publishers and universities a free program to disseminate their research work.

    With the change of platform, the articles began to be more accessed and the whole process more democratic. The print magazine limited access to information, even by its format, that could not be anywhere at the same time, unlike the online magazine that is available at all times, free of charge anywhere in the world that has an Internet signal. And it is important to highlight that the cost of a printed journal is ten times higher than the online magazine, so it is noted that with the democratization of access, we also recorded the increase of more articles being published, with the inclusion of regional particularities, which was not possible before.

    According to CAPES (2020), we have registered 26,000 journals in its database today, with approximately 10% of them being journals without any record, indexation or impact factor, only acting in the market for financial gains, leaving aside its main role that is to disseminate high-level scientific research. This CAPES database, which was created with the objective of qualifying publications in its stricto sensu programs, ended up being mistakenly used in the classification of journals in Brazil, leaving aside the most important indicators, which are: impact factor of the journal and indexations, qualitative used in all countries of the world , with the exception of Brazil. I hope that CAPES, finds a middle ground to solve such an issue that has been causing a malaise among journals, especially international ones that have a high impact factor, but do not have Qualis, which ends up being an injustice, caused by this Brazilian "jabuticaba".

    Read more about A look at the scientific journals of Brazil
  • THE RECIMA21 and the Environment


    THE RECIMA21 and the Environment

    Did you know that an A4 leaf consumes 10 liters of water in its manufacture and 0.013% of the trunk of a eucalyptus tree? So it's past time to stop printing paper and start using the digital system that is much safer and saves millions of trees across the planet. While highlighting the importance of water saving and its reuse. Information along with training does not need anything physical for its union, only thinking and cognition, so let us adopt this practice of not printing, not to destroy our planet Earth. Our only home!

    Read more about THE RECIMA21 and the Environment
  • Opinion poll on the quality of RECIMA21


    The editors of RECIMA21, thinking of improving the quality of the services provided, created CPAC – Own Scientific Evaluation Commission, this committee will be responsible for Corporate Governance, as well as the quality of the website and the services provided. The members of the editorial board of the journal are part of this committee. We are partially disclosing the results of our first opinion survey we conducted with our writers, readers and registrations in general of RECIMA21 in May 2021.

    The concept perceived by them about all aspects of the journal was 94% between excellent and good. Those who would refer the magazine to others totaled 98%, almost unanimously. Following this line of excellence, 96% believe that nothing is missing in the journal and 60% consider the ideal time of submission until publication of 30 to 40 days. It follows detailed result.

    What concept would you give to RECIMA21, considering all the main aspects of the magazine?

    66% excellent

    28% good

    6% regular

    Would you refer to RECIMA21 to someone?

    98% Yes

    Do you think there's a lack of information on the magazine page?

    96% There's nothing missing

    How long does it take (in days) that you think the article should be published? From submission to publication?

    30 days 40%

    40 days 20%

    20 days 15%

    15 days 15%

    10 days 10%

    We will continue to work to improve the quality of our journal and thank the 145 participants for their contribution.

    Read more about Opinion poll on the quality of RECIMA21
  • RECIMA21 now in continuous flow!


    From this May the magazine begins to publish in continuous flow, without leaving the necessary care of quality in the background. Thus, the journal seeks to meet a need of writers who need to respond to the publishing market within a feasible period, without compromising the journal's regulation, as well as the quality of the articles. Recima21 now has an impact factor of 5,289 according to SJIF - Scientific Journal Impact Factor, United States of America. We are also indexed in 49 national and international platforms, being present in all continents of the world. According to Google Analytics, RECIMA21 has been receiving 4,500 visits per month, an expressive number for a magazine that is only 8 months old.

    We are following the accesses of our articles through the Open Journal Systems platform and the first three articles that gain more access until December 1, 2021, will receive a cash prize and a certificate of honor to the merits of RECIMA21. The regulation for the TOP CIMA21 award is already on the magazine's website.

    Read more about RECIMA21 now in continuous flow!
  • News the RECIMA21


    Friends of RECIMA21,
    I have news I want to share with you. Our magazine started 7 months ago and we're going to the 5th edition. The number of indexers jumped to 40 and the impact factor rose to 5,289. We're getting 4,500 visits a month on the site, according to Google Analytics. Really a great success in such a short time! The number of articles submitted daily increased and with it also our costs related to the management of the journal. THE RECIMA21 is an independent production and is maintained by its editor-in-chief, but the cost of DOI - each article receives one, from the librarian - that makes the corrections of citations, the costs of IT, the office, the magazine has CNPJ, advertising, the site to which the magazine is hosted, the reviewers of Portuguese at the end, before publication and taxes , among other expenses and investments, made us make the decision to start applying for a cost aid in the amount of R$ 100.00 reais (one hundred reais) for each article accepted for publication in RECIMA21, which will be charged for all submissions from April 20, 2021. I point out once again that only articles accepted for publication will collect the fee.
    We will be holding a contest for the most accessed article in RECIMA21 in the year 2021. THE TOP RECIMA21. And the three most accessed will receive a cash prize from Florida Christian University - FCU USA. Our international partner. The regulation will soon be on the magazine's website.
    Click here to visit the FCU website

    Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the success of RECIMA21,
    Prof. Dr. Márcio Magera Conceição Ph.D
    Professor Esp. Edson Roberto Berbel

    Read more about News the RECIMA21
  • RECIMA21 magazine among the 5,500 magazines in the world that have published topics on COVID-19


    RECIMA21 Magazine is among the 5,500 magazines in the world that have published topics on COVID-19. This indexing, which was carried out by the European website, demonstrates the scope and quality that our journal has been developing throughout its 6 months of existence. Click on the link below to see the list of magazines. Number in the list 2.985.

    Click on the link

    Read more about RECIMA21 magazine among the 5,500 magazines in the world that have published topics on COVID-19
  • Publication of Course Completion Work-TCC


    It is with great satisfaction that I communicate to you, that the magazine RECIMA21 starts from today, also publishing Works of Completion of Courses-TCC, of the most diverse areas and backgrounds: graduation, specialization, graduate, MBA. As the works have already undergone an orientation and banking, the editorial board will only make a check of the formatting / content, following the standards of the journal and the inclusion of DOI - Digital Object Identifier, in each Published TCC. The objective is to provide greater visibility to the finished studies of completion and, thus, contribute to the research, quality and extension of Brazilian and international higher education institutions.

    Read more about Publication of Course Completion Work-TCC