


Administration; People management; Organizational Psychology.


The present research aims to undertake an analysis of the historical evolution of organizational psychology, encompassing the time span from the late 19th century to contemporary days. The adopted methodology is descriptive, with the purpose of meticulously mapping the trajectory of this discipline over time, identifying significant milestones, events, and transformations. The method employed involves a systematic literature review, conducted with a careful selection of sources, including academic journals and books. This approach is implemented to ensure the robustness of the presented data. Throughout the literature review, there is recognition of the need to consider possible limitations, such as the reliance on available sources and the individual perspectives of authors. These limitations are addressed transparently, thereby ensuring the integrity of the study. It is imperative to highlight that the literature review is based on sources available up to the cutoff date of this research. The study provides insight into the development of organizational psychology, contributing not only to historical understanding but also offering valuable insights for professionals and researchers interested in the evolution of this discipline over time.


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Author Biography

Jéssica Pinheiro Leite

Centro de Ensino Unificado do Distrito Federal, Brasil, aluna de graduação do curso de Psicologia.


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How to Cite

Pinheiro Leite, J. (2024). PSYCHOLOGICAL CHALLENGES OF PEOPLE MANAGEMENT IN ADMINISTRATIVE ROUTINES WITHIN ORGANIZATIONS. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(4), e545189.