Course Completion Work - TCC
This Category CCW of the magazine RECIMA21 brings the opportunity of our reader to publish his work
of completion of course: Graduation, Specialization, Postgraduate lato sensu and MBA, with DOI - Digital
Object Identifier, which will bring a great differential, together with the academy and the labor market. The
formatting for publication (standards for references) is the same as that of ABNT and/or VANCOUVER for
the health area, adopted by the journal RECIMA21, which also offers its Guidelines for Authors.
Therefore, the CCW, after its exposure, will have greater visibility, thus contributing more information and
scientific knowledge to our readers from all over the country and abroad.
The multidisciplinary scientific journal RECIMA21 aims to promote and disseminate studies in the areas
of teaching and research, in Exact and Earth Sciences, Social Sciences, Health, Humanities and
RECIMA21 is conceived through multidisciplinary discussions that encompass social, environmental,
technological and sustainable issues, connected to these areas of knowledge.
The art of teaching and research in the field of multidisciplinarities has long been walking together,
promoting and discussing discoveries in these fields of science, whether theoretical as practical.